Cork It Wine Making proudly offers a barrel aging program to compliment any red wine made on premise. Our American Appalachian Oak barrels produces some of Cork it Winemaking’s premium award winning wines. The barrel aging process improves and enhances your wine through the processes of evaporation and low level exposure to oxygen/controlled oxidation. The evaporation concentrates the flavours and aroma resulting in greater complexity and a softening of the harsh tannins and flavors present in a young wine. The barrel aging process will also add essences of vanilla, caramel, sweet toasty aromas, notes of tea and tobacco and an overall structural complexity of oak that mingles with the tannin from the fruit. From medium bodied, to bold reds our barrel aging wines are sure to be a crowd pleaser! Taste the difference!
10 customers are required to per-register a space in our community barrels. We feature only premium quality wines for the aging process. There are always 4 varietals available for sign up to fill each of our 223 litre barrels. These wines will sit for 3-6 months and will then be filtered out of the barrel into individual carboys for the bottling process. Although it does require some patience, our community barrel wines are by far our best quality wines and we have won medals for various batches over the past few years.
*Generally our expert staff members choose the wine variety but we are always open to varietal suggestions for the next batch!